#Yu荐片单# 作为厂矿长大的孩子不婚作者:茶茶好萌虽然我从小就立志绝不进厂但长大后对厂矿文化有了一种奇怪的羁绊慢慢才知道那是一个亚特兰蒂斯式的大时代群演都很棒陈建斌和陈冲演技碾压吕丽萍赵涛不说了她那段太肉麻是可以让人静下来的片
"Sunset Blvd." CAST OF CHARACTERS —— Themselves - You used to be in silent pictures. You used to be big! - I am big. It's the pictures that got small. - I knew there was something wrong with them. - They're dead. They're finished. There was a time in this business when they had the eyes of the whole wide world. But that wasn't good enough for them. Oh, no! They had to have the ears of the world, too. So they opened their big mouths and out came talk, talk, talk. - That's where the popcorn business comes in. You buy yourself a bag and plug up your ears. The address is 10,086 Sunset Boulevard. There's nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you try to be 25.